The earth adventures fit together through a series of special links built into the trails, the app and the website. These links increase the fun and help you bring the adventures and learning home. They encourage you to set off on the next trail.
Hidden Plaques
Each earth adventure is topped off with a final discovery. Near the end of each trail, the “Trails Wizard” has hidden a special plaque with a creature on it that is associated with the trail. You get a few clues to help you with the search at the end of the trail write-up. The plaques are approximately 10 cm square and black in colour. They are mounted on various objects, such as signs or benches. The creatures are engraved on the plaques so that once you find the plaque, make a rubbing of it in your Adventure Journal.

Trail Stickers

If you enter the name of the creature on the plaque in the digital clue box at the last trail stop, you get credit for completing the trail. This results in an attractive sticker dropping into your personal trail listing page, indicating the trails you have completed. To see this, you need to create an account and log in. We do not use this account in any way— it just means that we can display your personal stickers for you. Once you log in, the sticker appears on your overview trail list.

As you complete trails and receive stickers, you gain titles depending on the number of trails you finish. You become “Earth Adventurers” for completing your first trail and can place the “Earth Adventurer” sticker on your poster. You earn new titles and stickers as you complete additional trails. For example, an Earth Discoverer has completed 6 trails!

Trail Poster
If you want to make your accomplishments more accessible and attractive, you can track the trails you have completed on a beautiful colour print poster of the entire region. Download and print the poster (11 by 17 inches) and print and attach the creature sticker for each trail as you complete them. Put the poster on your fridge or in another central spot for everyone to see. You end up with a beautiful map decorated with some special wild creatures. Display it proudly including the stickers for the titles you have achieved.

Titles and Mystery Quote
As you complete trails and receive stickers, you gain ‘titles’ depending on the number of trails you finish. You become “Earth Adventurers” for completing your first trail and the “Earth Adventurer” sticker drops into the top of your personal trail list. You earn new titles and stickers as you complete additional trails. For example, an Earth Discoverer has completed 6 trails!
In addition, once you complete a trail, a letter drops into the mystery quote on the bottom of your personal trails list. Complete all of the trails and you will have all the letters for the mystery quote. It sums everything up pretty well!